Day 14, late late late

I woke up about 20 minutes ago because I could hear someone outside my window. I thought they were trying to break in. But I decided I'd take a quick look before screaming and waking everyone up for no reason.

So I walk into the living room and see a shadow of a person walking away from my car. He's not carrying anything or rushing, and I figure he's probably just walking around and not actually interested in the car at all.

But being up anyway, I kind of wanted a cigarette, so I stepped out into the yard. Which is when I found this note on the windshield.


better than EVP

I'm not sure what to make of this. Part of me thinks Zim's friend from Denver is following us. Part of me thinks Zim made him, and the note, up.

Then there is another part of me that imagines entirely different possibilities.