
I remember this well. Straight to the dens. Not the same as they were years ago, but not different either.

Instead of Cantonese there is a lot of Russian floating around. Umi's uncle still runs the place. I don't think he recognizes me. Good. There are some younger girls and prettier boys. I let them know we're interested in something a little more private. These aren't really rooms. More like a single room with red sheets dividing everything. Lots of red. Lots of gold. Lots of smoke. Lots of pillows and couches. And more smoke.

Umi's aunt, Kuang (I think), helps us with the smoke. Molly chokes and then gets a taste. This is great. Now we are not tourists. Now the ride begins. Now I'm high. Molly's beautiful. And everything starts to seem more real.

And she turns to me and steals my breath into her. And for three hours I thank her for it.

Don't think I'll be sleeping much tonight. She's passed out cold. I'm gonna see if there's someone to talk to.

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